Mycosphaerella sentina - MycoBank Mycosphaerella sentina (Fr.) J. Schru00f6t., Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien 3-2(9): 334 (1894) [MB#100066] Mycosphaerella pyri - Wikipedia Phaeosphaerella sentina (Fr.) Verpl., (1939) Septoria nigerrima Fuckel, (1870) Septoria pyricola Desm. Sphaerella pyri Auersw., (1869) Sphaerella sentina Fuckel Sphaerella sentina (Fr.) Sacc., (1882) Sphaeria sentina Fr., (1823). Mycosphaerella pyri is a fungal plant pathogen. See also[edit]. Fungi portal. Mycosphaerella sentina - Overview - Encyclopedia of Life Brief summary. No one has contributed a brief summary to this page yet. Explore what EOL knows about Mycosphaerella sentina. Add a brief summary to thisu00a0... mycosphaerella sentina Atlas houbovu00fdch organismu016f - mycosphaerella sentina. Mycosphaerella sentina Atlas houbovu00fdch organismu016f - Mycosphaerella sentina. Siva pegavost lista kruu0161ke - Mycosphaerella sentina - Agronomija 16 gen 2014 - Siva pegavost lista kruu0161ke u2013 Mycosphaerella sentina. Siva pegavost lista kruu0161ke mou017ee izazvati ozbiljne u0161tete koje se manifestiraju preuranjenimu00a0... Mycosphaerella sentina | Species Dictionary | Southern Africa | iSpot Mycosphaerella sentina - Species Dictionary - Southern Africa : iSpot Nature - Your place to share nature. iSpot is a website aimed at helping anyone identifyu00a0... Mycosphaerella sentina(Fr.) Mycosphaerella sentina(Fr.) J. Schru00f6t., 1894. Rank: species. Synonym. Name authority: PlutoF Taxonomy. Search. Overview; Conservation instructions; Galleryu00a0...